Acero Marka waters

Acero Marka waters

These are images of Acero Marka mystical waters.

This time I returned to the valley of Acero Marka to camp with a group of friends. My wife was eight months pregnant; had to carry a foam mattress to the camping site through the trail.  She and the coming baby had to have a better sleep. Can you imagine what is like to carry the mattress through a small path getting tangled with the vegetation. It rained for three entire days that we camped. 

After a long fight with the rain, we managed to light a fire; we had a small sheet of plastic that only covered the grill. We were soaked deep wet while cooking; nevertheless, we enjoyed good pieces of beef. During the few moments that the rain lessened, that we were not reading Asterix, and the light increased painting the valley, I went out and made this image. It was about 2PM.

We went on vacations to Bolivia, we wanted to visit Acero Marka waters, it was a Sunday. Went with my brother and children, but we couldn’t enter the valley, settled taking images of water from the entrance. Although this image should be in B&W, the slight tint that the color gives to the image, changes the seen.

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