Puyehue colors

Puyehue colors

Images of the Puyehue colors.

During January and February, which is summer time in Chile, the weather in the Southern part can be unpredictable. We decided to have our vacation before Christmas as December used to be a dry month. On our way to the Puyehue National Park, clouds started to gather. We had a pickup truck, full of camping gear, and the three children on the back seat. The truck was not comfortable at all, specially the back seats.

My wife asked me to stop so the children could stretch their legs after a very long drive.  As I stopped found a small wooden bridge. From above I saw the perfect composition and got down to take the photograph of the water flow.

I was trying to see other views when snowflakes appeared in the scene. Although we were at a high altitude, at this time of the year you would seldom would have snow. Was about to pack my camera when I visualized this image, where snow had gathered on the large leaf. The weather had changed…, it rained during the entire vacation, you can imagine how happy the children were. However the Puyehue colors were enhanced by the rain.

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