Grey Lake wind

Grey Lake wind

In these images you can perceive the Grey Lake wind.

During our visit last year to Patagonia, we arrived to  Torres Del Paine national park at  Grey Lake. The hotel we stayed a few times, remodeled the entire dining lounge, triplicating its original size and added larger bar. Unfortunately, we did not have a reservation for lunch, as it was fully booked -the food is excellent-, therefore we had just a hamburger at the bar and 2 large jars of Patagonia beer.

This image is from the island looking towards the beach,  you can see the strong waves formed by the wind.

From the restaurant you can see the lake, with the icebergs floating and sand beach. From this point I photographed many year ago, wild horses that were playing around just before sunset (10PM). This year I could not see any icebergs.

This image is in the beach, my wife is literally floating against the wind.

On our way to the island through the sandy beach, the wind was extreme. You could feel the small particles of sand hitting your face. The wind could literally send you flying. I had to place the tripod in the sand and place myself against the wind to avoid vibration on the camera. Fortunately photographs came out good.

This image is from the island looking towards the beach, where people were struggling with the Grey Lake wind.

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